6 Key Google Ranking Demotions (and confirmations) That You Should Know About

6 Key Google Ranking Demotions (and confirmations) That You Should Know About

A series of algorithmic demotions are discussed in the recently released Google documentation. Descriptions are limited, but definitely worth a look at what each means for you. While these six examples of how Google might demote your pages barely brushes the surface for SEO, important questions must be asked: Does SEO really matter to my…

The Art of Flowww Book

The Art of Flowww Book

‘Flowww’ is a website adaptation of the widely accepted customer journey: Awareness, Consideration, Desire, and Action (ACDA). Visitors travel through your website viewing more pages, spending more time on-page, and becoming informed prospects. Best of all, they trust you more with every click. Now available as an Audiobook 🔊 voiced by the talented Paul Boucher. It…

Choosing the Right WordPress: Simple Guide to Self-Hosted vs. Managed
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Choosing the Right WordPress: Simple Guide to Self-Hosted vs. Managed

WordPress has changed how we create websites, making it easy for anyone to get started. Today, we’re going to help you choose between two main options: doing it yourself with a self-installed WordPress, or making things easier with a managed WordPress hosting service like wpSites or wordpress.com. Let’s break it down. Doing It Yourself: WordPress…

Website Migration to WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Website Migration to WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

As a managed websites platform, we understand the intricacies involved in website migration, particularly when switching between different content management systems like WordPress. To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend the following steps: Preparation Chose an Option Set Up WordPress with your Host (you are the host/developer) Set Up WordPress with wpSites (wpSites is the…

Ai SEO Workflows with INK CTO Alexander De Ridder (a step-by-step Demo)
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Ai SEO Workflows with INK CTO Alexander De Ridder (a step-by-step Demo)

INK Software has emerged in the AI market as the leading AI marketing content and SEO performance app. Co-founder and CTO Alexander De Ridder joins the wpSites team to demo the software (March 21, 2023). In addition to sharing insights on the state of AI, Alexander took us through how small businesses can use INK…